Continue Research or Stop It Mass Effect Andromeda

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The Research terminal.

Research is the first half of the crafting system with development being the second half.

Overview [ ]

On the Research screen, players can spend the Research Data (RD) they've acquired through scanning to unlock new blueprints for weapons and armor, or augmentations that can make creations unique and powerful. To access the Research menu, interact with any Research Center, such as the one on the Tempest, and select "Research."

Research Data (RD) [ ]

Completed Research

When scanning new lifeforms and tech, players can earn Research Data (RD). Data can be spent at a Research Center to unlock blueprints and augmentations for development. How much RD acquired is displayed in the Research menu or at the bottom of the scanner window when it is active.

There are three different types of RD:

To spend RD on research, select the item to research in the left-hand panel and press the appropriate button.

It should be noted that a large amount of blueprints and augmentations are immediately available to research but a number of blueprints and augmentations are locked until certain requirements are met.

Blueprints [ ]

Blueprints are grouped by technology. Within each group are folders for Weapons, Armor, and Augmentations. Within the Weapons and Armor folders, each item begins with a single folder containing blueprints for Tiers I-V. Once Tier V has been unlocked, a second folder, Advanced, is added, containing blueprints for Tiers VI-X.

Augmentations [ ]

Augmentations are unique items and are not level-locked. Researching an augmentation gives Ryder one copy immediately and makes it available for Ryder to find out in the world. Until Ryder researches an augmentation, the augmentation will NOT be found out in the world.

Milky Way Research [ ]

Milky Way Research.png Milky Way research is unique in that Andromeda Initiative technology is automatically unlocked as you reach specific levels. Weapons and armor sets acquired through the Special Delivery Cache terminal on the desk in the Pathfinder's Quarters on the Tempest are also automatically unlocked. These blueprints do not have to be researched and will show up automatically in the Development screen. The remaining Milky Way blueprints will have to be researched before they can be developed.

Weapons [ ]

Milky Way Weapons

Milky Way Weapons Details

Milky Way weapons incorporate Andromeda Initiative technologies that typically use physical ammunition. These are high-impact, projectile-based firearms; they're great against most non-shielded targets, but require ammunition. Melee weapons are based on historical platforms incorporating proven technologies.

Armor [ ]

Milky Way Armor

Milky Way Armor Details

Milky Way armors use proven Andromeda Initiative technologies. Milky way armors provide the largest variety of choices for defense including combat, exploration, and defensive focused platforms.

Augmentations [ ]

Milky Way Augmentations

Milky Way Augmentations Details

Milky Way augmentations use proven Andromeda Initiative technologies. Milky way augmentations provide the largest variety of choices for bolstering combat, defense, and restoration capabilities.

It should be noted that a large number of "general" augmentations using the Milky Way augmentation image require no RD to be spent to use. Augmentations listed here require RD to be spent to purchase the blueprint.

Heleus Research [ ]

Heleus Research.png All Heleus blueprints have to be researched before they can be developed. Heleus blueprints and augmentations are locked until certain requirements are met.

Weapons [ ]

Heleus Weapons

Heleus Weapons Details

Heleus weapons incorporate technology from civilizations in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. These weapons are generally plasma-based with some being chargeable: the longer the weapon is charged before firing, the harder the weapon will hit. Heleus weapons also require ammunition. Melee weapons incorporate interesting properties based on proven designs.

Armor [ ]

Heleus Armor

Heleus Armor Details

Heleus armors incorporate technologies from civilizations in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. Heleus armors are combat focused and increase battle capabilities.

Augmentations [ ]

Heleus Augmentations

Heleus Augmentations Details

Heleus augmentations incorporate technologies from civilizations in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. Heleus augmentations are combat focused, increase battle capabilities, and provide interesting restoration possibilities.

Remnant Research [ ]

Remnant Research.png All Remnant blueprints have to be researched before they can be developed. Remnant blueprints and augmentations are locked until certain requirements are met.

Weapons [ ]

Remnant Weapons

Remnant Weapons Details

Remnant weapons incorporate technologies from the mysterious Remnant. These weapons typically use beams, have high rates of fire, and are extremely accurate. Utilizing internal heat sink systems, they don't rely on limited ammunition but instead require the firearm to cool down from time to time. Melee weapons are unlike any other design providing unique benefits.

Armor [ ]

Remnant Armor

Remnant Armor Details

Remnant armors use experimental materials and technologies based on the mysterious Remnant. Remnant armors provide strong defense and restoration properties not found with other armor technologies.

Augmentations [ ]

Remnant Augmentations

Remnant Augmentations Details

Remnant augmentations use experimental materials and technologies based on the mysterious Remnant. Remnant augmentations provide unique restoration and combat capabilities not found with other augmentations.

Notes [ ]

Maverick Skirmisher Legs VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X blueprints don't exist. While these items can't be researched, these armor pieces can be found during gameplay.

The Pathfinder Chest I blueprint doesn't exist. While this item can't be researched, this armor piece can be found during gameplay.

The L-89 Halberd I blueprint doesn't exist. While this item can't be researched, this weapon can be purchased from a merchant during gameplay.

Researched blueprints have a green check mark Equipped Item Icon.png.

New Game + Ryders will retain researched blueprints from their predecessor.


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