Simple Sous Vide: 200 Modern Recipes Made Easy

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I find it quite rewarding to ease emerging cooking tech
My name is Jason Logsdon and I'm a passionate home cook who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. However, I'm not the type of cook who enjoys trying out "experiments" just to see what works. I'd much rather take existing knowledge, distill it down to easy-to-follow concepts, and apply it successfully to my own cooking.I find it quite rewarding to ease emerging cooking technologies from the realm of the professional chef into the kitchen of the cooking enthusiast. I accomplished this first with sous vide cooking where I created a website, (Now integrated into, and wrote four books that have assisted in bringing sous vide cooking into the kitchens of thousands of passionate cooks.
Next I addressed the increasingly popular developments in modernist cooking. Here I take the almost mystical technology of molecular gastronomy and present it in a manner that makes it easy for the adventurous cook to understand and execute. Once again I have created a website,, and written a book, Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Getting Started, that doesn't attempt to explain the science of modernist cooking, but instead focuses on how these new techniques and ingredients can be employed to create dishes with completely new flavors, aromas, textures and visual appeal. The recipes range from ones that will amaze readers' friends to another that will simply make it quicker and easier to make flavorful traditional gravy.
My next book, Modernist Cooking Made Easy: The Whipping Siphon, focuses on perhaps the most versatile tool in the modernist cooking arsenal. Couple it with some modernist cooking techniques and you can create dishes that will delight all of your senses.
My third book on modernist cooking, Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Party Foods, explains how to create remarkable cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and small plates that will amaze your friends.
In my most recent book I leverage my experience, from cooking hundreds of sous vide meals and writing four books on the subject, to write a comprehensive primer for cooks of all experience levels. Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Sous Vide demystifies the process, serves as a reference for more than 80 cuts of meat and vegetables, and provides a collection of inspiring recipes.
In my writing I aim to simplify and my website and books focus on explaining things in a way even my mother-in-law can understand. My dishes might not be as inventive as Grant Achatz's, but hopefully they will successfully illustrate the concepts that underpin modernist cooking, allowing you to gain the information you need to start using modernist techniques and ingredients more in your everyday cooking.
I can be reached at: or through Twitter at:@jasonlogsdon_sv
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